Sex Therapy and Counseling in Philadelphia

sex therapy philadelphia

So what exactly is sex therapy? Simply put, sex therapy refers to a therapist discussing sexual problems with a client. Sex therapy is superior to other forms of therapy for sexual problems because sex therapists and sex counselors have specific training in sexual function and dysfunction (sexual orientation problems, gender identity issues, erectile problems, poor sex […]

Coping After an Affair: Learning to Trust Again

Coping after an affair and learning how to trust again – This tip from Sex Therapy in Philadelphia/Center for Growth will address coping after an affair when you just knew something was not right

Orgasm Difficulties

Orgasm Difficulties: Do you have difficulties having an orgasm? Try the following exercises . . .

Adjusting to Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

Blonde woman wearing athletic clothes sitting on a gray couch with her neck stretch and her left hand rubbing her right shoulder

Adjusting to Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Receiving a functional neurological disorder (FND) diagnosis can be a life-changing experience. Likely, you have experienced a variety of physical symptoms, received countless tests, and seen many medical professionals in search of an answer. It can feel overwhelming, confusing, or scary to learn that the symptoms you are experiencing […]

Beginner’s Body Awareness Exercises

Image of a white man with dark hair and a beard sitting on a couch with a phone and laptop by his side. His eyes are closed and he is sitting cross-legged appearing to meditate.

Beginner’s Body Awareness Exercises Have you ever felt an intense burst of emotion that (seemingly) came out of nowhere? You may have felt unable to control your thoughts, words, or actions. Many people experience difficulty coping with or regulating emotions once they become very intense. However, losing control may have left you feeling betrayed by […]

Using Your Strap-On with Your Long-Term Partner

photo of a man and woman in underwear, kneeling on a bed holding each other

Using Your Strap-On with Your Long-Term Partner (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia) If you don’t have a strap-on yet, Your First Strap-On will teach you about your options before buying your first strap-on. If you aren’t yet comfortable with the idea or logistics of using your strap-on, Using Your Strap-On will help you feel comfortable, confident, […]

Using Your Strap-On

black and white photo of woman laying in lingerie

Using Your Strap-On (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia) If you don’t yet have a strap-on, consider reading Your First Strap-On to learn more about your options before buying your first strap-on. If you already have a strap-on, keep reading to learn how to maximize comfort and confidence while using your strap-on! By now you’ve chosen your strap-on: […]

Your First Strap-On

Your First Strap-On - Sex Therapy in Philadelphia

Your First Strap-On (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville) Strap-ons are dynamic sex toys that can add fun, excitement, and pleasure to your life! Essentially, a strap-on is a hands-optional sex toy that consists of a dildo strapped to a harness that is typically worn around the pelvic area, thigh, hand, or […]

So, When Does Venting Turn Into “Trauma Dumping”?

When does venting turn into something we call “trauma dumping”? At what point does our venting turn into something more toxic to those around us? I think most of us could agree that life just gets really hard sometimes and comes with many challenges. Sometimes these challenges leave us wanting extra attention or support from […]

Grief Therapy

Grief Therapy Services in Ocean City NJ, Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Santa Fe NM GA and FL: In addition to general issues of grief & loss, we have several therapists whose mission is to work with people who have experienced babyloss. Grief therapy can be very useful and effective to help individuals cope with the emotions […]

How to Build Trust With Yourself…

How to build trust with yourself

How To Build Trust With Yourself: Take a moment to think about how you build trust with a close friend, significant other, or relative. This might look different for all of us, but there are some qualities we look for in relationships that are quite common. These include loyalty, acceptance, kindness, humor, playfulness, dependability, nurturing, […]

Why You Should Make Time for Yourself in Your Sex Life…

Why You Should Make Time for Yourself in Your Sex Life…

Why You Should Make Time for Yourself in Your Sex Life…    a new relationship can be CONSUMING, in both a wonderful way and an overwhelming way at times! Newly intimate individuals typically dive in head first and forget to come up for air, sound familiar at all? Maybe you still find yourself feeling this […]

Sex After a Breakup

Sex after a break up

Sex after a break up: Going through a breakup can be difficult for several reasons.  However, just because a relationship ends does not mean that one’s needs instantly go away.  The person will likely want to have new sexual partners.  However, knowing when to have sex after a breakup can be challenging, and fortunately, this […]

Why is giving & receiving feedback so hard sometimes? (Or all the time)

There are so many thoughts and feelings that come up when you are either giving or receiving feedback. Why does feedback so often feel like a negative experience when it’s such an essential part of most relationships (both interpersonal and professional)? When feeling negative emotions surface from a feedback experience (whether you were the one […]

Herpes and Sexual Scripts

If you talk with a physician about having herpes simplex virus (HSV), they would likely tell you that the virus is pretty benign (e.g., skin irritation, physical fatigue).  Yet, so many struggle with having HSV.  That’s because of the immense social stigma with having the virus.  Additionally, sexual scripts often add to that social stigma.  […]

Affirmations Vs. IF-ermations

Affirmations Vs. IF-ermations Have you ever found yourself feeling affirmations aren’t as helpful as everyone claims they are? Do you ever feel affirmations are failed attempts to convince yourself of your own abilities? You might find affirmations are everywhere! They can be found incorporated into internet ads, billboards, bumper sticks, t-shirts, coffee mugs, stickers, etc… […]

Reducing Your Guilt with Porn

Though there is some variation, most professionals define pornography as any form of media created with the intent of sexual arousal.  Pornography, or sexually explicit material (SEM), can take the form of literature, illustrations, cave drawings, movies, audio recordings, and so much more.  At its core, pornography is simply a sexual tool that has existed […]

Recognizing Gray Consent

Sexual consent is the clear, mutual agreement to engage in specific sexual activities.  Though this definition makes sexual consent seem easy to give and receive, it can still be difficult, even if the person is acting in good faith.  Recognizing gray consent can be challenging, yet it is also so important for sexual health and […]

How to Have Healthy Sexual Expression During Covid

         The previous article defined healthy sexual expression as engaging in activities that align with a person’s boundaries, which promotes comfort and self-satisfaction.  The previous article also listed three ways to determine one’s sexual expression: creating a list of one’s sexual actions, viewing those actions as though they were a friend’s, and reflecting on the […]

Giving Gray Consent

       Gray consent goes by many names (e.g., “unwanted, wanted sex,” “murky consent,” “non-consensual consent.”)  However, the experience is all the same: the person didn’t really want to have sex, but agreed to anyway.  Additionally, the person may or may not see the experience as sexual assault.  Either way, they don’t see the experience […]

Healthy Sexual Expression During Covid

         The disease Covid-19 needs little explanation.  It has affected nearly every country on the globe.  However, Covid-19 has also influenced life on a micro level.  People are forced to stay at home, which influences finances, parenting, and social connections.  However, Covid-19 also affects sexual expression.  If you’re someone who cares about sexual satisfaction, this […]

Understanding Your Sex Values

Understanding Your Sex Values

Why do some sexual desires and practices make us feel good and others make us shrink with shame? Sometimes, this is due to a mismatch between our desires and our beliefs about what is right and wrong when it comes to sex. That mismatch often causes intense feelings of shame, anxiety, and low self-esteem. One […]

Conflict Resolution Tool: Time Out

Conflict Resolution Tool: Time Out

Conflict Resolution Tool – Time Out: Every couple has disagreements. If you are with a partner long enough you are bound to come across something in which you two have opposing views and that’s completely normal. But once in a while (or rather frequently for some) there comes a point in a disagreement where emotions […]

What is Menopause

What is Menopause? *Please note: for the purpose of this article, “woman/women” refers to individuals who have a body with a uterus, which could include trans and gender non-binary individuals that do not identify as a “woman”. Menopause refers to the time when a woman ceases menstruating. This process marks the end of a woman’s […]

Treating Menopause

Treating Menopause While most women do not experience significant incapacity from menopause, some do. For women who are distressed, overly uncomfortable, and even disabled by this transition, there are medical interventions that are available to reduce discomfort. You may be familiar with Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)  as a first-line treatment […]

Mood Changes and Menopause

Mood Changes and Menopause: Truth in the Research Historically, the ‘diagnosis’ of menopause has been held responsible for every mood change or unexplained feeling that women experienced throughout the climacteric 15 year period. Menopause, representing a state of decay, often required ‘treatment’ to protect women from their natural biological changes. Such interventions have included medication, […]

Myths About Herpes

         Despite the stigma, a lot of people have some strain of herpes.  Approximately 20% of the population has HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus – type 2) (i.e., genital herpes), while about 80% has HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus – type 1) (i.e., cold sores).  Even though so many people have a form of herpes, many myths […]

 Hot Sex In the Summer

Temperatures keep on climbing as the summer experiences heatwave after heatwave.  The summer heat can affect different parts of life, such as exercise, traveling to work, and AC costs.  However, high heat can also affect a person’s sex life. For instance, increased heat can cause increased sweating, which may be a turn-off for folks.  The […]

Assessing Your Sexual Health

What does the term “sexual health” mean to you? You may have heard it used at your doctor’s office, in sex ed, or with potential sexual partners, but have you ever wondered what it really means? This tip will provide an expanded definition of sexual health and help you with assessing where your sexual health […]

Casual Sex with Herpes

        Whether the diagnosis is recent or old, some people with HSV (herpes simplex virus) may see herpes and casual sex as mutually exclusive.  Because they have HSV-1 or 2, there can be the idea that the person will never have casual sex again.  Even though it may feel intense or like a death sentence […]

Too Many Sexual Partners Challenged

Despite sex-positivity becoming more popular, the stigma of too many sexual partners still exists in the United States.  It doesn’t help that the stigma is so subjective. After all, “too many” can mean either three or 30 depending on whom you ask.  Regardless of how arbitrary the stigma is, it still causes shame, anxiety, and […]

Too Many Sexual Partners

        Sex culture in the United States is conflicting.  Media and apps promote a sex-positive narrative, but peers and family members might promote a negative one.  This is perhaps why so many people still question whether they have too many sexual partners: they’re receiving mixed messages.  On the surface, a person may […]

Masturbation Exercise for ED

Gaining Control of Your Erections through Mindful Touch Erectile dysfunction is a relatively common issue amongst people with penises, and most people will find themselves unable to achieve a wanted erection at some point in their lives. Before becoming too concerned about erectile dysfunction, it is important to keep in mind that erection density, or […]

Learning Sexual Boundaries

Looking for ideas to spice up your sex life? Interested in getting to know a new partner’s sexual interests and boundaries? Need a neutral starting point to begin sharing sex ideas that recover the passion you used to have in your relationship? Unaware of your own sexual boundaries?   While you do not need a […]

Shannon Oliver-O’Neil, MSW, LCSW


Shannon Oliver-O’Neil, MSW, LCSW: Sexuality is an integral part of many people’s lives. Sexual issues can create conflict, confusion and pain in the ways we relate to ourselves and others. Every person deserves to feel sexually confident, healthy and safe. As your therapist, I will work with you to identify barriers and create tools to move […]

Outercourse Games

Many couples come to sex therapists for help with their sex lives. Sometimes couples have lost the spark and need help spicing their sex lives back up. Others encounter sexual dysfunctions like painful sex, erectile disorder, low desire, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or not achieving an orgasm. Often times people expect that sex is just […]

Angie Dion, LMFT

Angie Dion, LMFT EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Clinical Supervisor People Acting to Help, Philadelphia, PA                                                August 2018- present Provide clinical supervision to community mental health professionals, oversee cases and attend to administrative tasks. Facilitate individual and group supervision.   Outpatient Therapist Child Guidance Resource Centers, Havertown, PA                                 June 2013-June 2015 Provide therapy to children and […]

Melvin Tillman

Melvin Tillman, MA 267-428-2612   Education and Certification University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign                           Overall GPA: 3.21/4.00 Bachelor of Science in Psychology                                            […]

Dr. Jennifer Foust, Director of Clinical Services

JENNIFER L. FOUST, Ph.D., M.S., LPC BOOK APPOINTMENT WITH DOCTOR FOUST 267-262-8515 EDUCATION December 2010                  Widener University   Chester, PA Doctor of Philosophy in Human Sexuality June 1999   Northeastern University   Boston, MA Master of Science in Counseling Psychology May 1995   Millersville University   Millersville, PA Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Psychology and […]


Learning how to develop more agency can be particularly useful for people who are codependent or simply tend to be givers in relationships. Giving is a great quality to have in successful relationships. When giving to your friends is healthiest, giving makes you feel good about yourself and your relationships. An unhealthy level of giving […]

When To Break Up

In the Early Stages of Dating, Knowing When to Break Up Questions to ask yourself when debating a breakup: You have felt stuck in your relationship for a while now. You go back and forth about breaking up with your partner all the time. You are feeling lost. These feelings seem to be spilling out […]

Dr. Erica Goldblatt Hyatt BIOGRAPHY

Dr. Erica Goldblatt Hyatt is a university professor, administrator, and private therapist with over a decade’s worth of experience in the field of clinical social work. She received a Master of Social Work, Master of Bioethics, and Doctor of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania and is currently the Assistant Director of the Doctor […]

Communication with your partner about the Length of Sex

Many men think about how long they last before orgasming and wonder if they are normal or not, whether their performance is good enough, or how satisfied their partners are. Some women may not feel comfortable telling you to hurry up sex to avoid hurting your feelings, but they may sometimes think it. Sex can […]

The Dangers of Lasting Longer

How often do you think about if you are lasting long enough in the bedroom as opposed to lasting too long? Worried about your sexual performance because of how quickly you achieve orgasm during intercourse?  There is a ton of emphasis in our culture about sexual performance equating with how long a guy lasts until […]

Understanding your Partner’s Traumatic Experience of Painful Sex

Are you frustrated with your sex life? Don’t know why your girlfriend is experiencing painful sex? Unsure about how to help her overcome the chronic traumatic sexual pain that she experiences? Maybe your partner has disclosed that she just received a vaginismus, vulvodynia, or Genito-Pelvic Pain Penetration Disorder (GPPPD) diagnosis. Maybe you knew that she […]

Stress Reduction: The 4 Elements Exercise

Stress Reduction: The 4 Elements Exercise We all have the need for stress reduction in our lives, whether it’s a onetime stressor, such as a big exam or meeting a significant other’s parents for the first time, while some stressors stay with you, such as struggles with work, conflict with a loved one, or financial […]

Supporting your Depressed Partner

Supporting your Depressed Partner: Having a partner to share your life with can be a very rewarding and life changing experience. There may be times in most relationships however, when someone’s viewpoint and way of life may not match their loved one. When you add a mental health struggle to this scenario, this could drive […]

How to Communicate your Remorse after Cheating

Humans make meaning in the world and communicate with others through language.  The language following the discovery or disclosure of an affair is very important to the healing process. The meaning that infidelity takes on for people varies. Difficult emotions and decisions lie ahead as you begin a new phase of your relationship post-affair. This […]

Powerful 5-Minute Intimacy Exercise

Powerful 5-Minute Intimacy Exercise Looking to build more intimacy in your relationship? This powerful 5-minute intimacy exercise can help you build your connection to your partner, decrease the effects of daily strain, and increase your ability to respond objectively during conflict. Intimacy, or the feeling of connected-ness and understanding, is a key ingredient in successful, long-term […]

What Your Body Language Is Saying

Do you ever wonder why you didn’t get that job? Or, how about that loan at the bank? Do you want to have the hotty across the bar come up and talk to you, but struggle with how to make that happen? You may not realize that your body language could be playing a significant […]

Parking Lot of Emotions

Do you find yourself bringing past fights into current fights with your partner? Do you hold back talking to your partner because you’re holding a grudge? Have issues popped up, without warning, which creates a bigger fight than anticipated? You may need to utilize the Parking Lot of Emotions. Often times, we find ourselves in […]

Is my Psychiatrist comfortable with my sexuality issues?

Bringing up sexuality can be nerve wracking. Some people are not used to talking about sex at all. Anxiety bringing up sex with your psychiatrist is often magnified when your sexuality has been stigmatized by society or medical providers in the past. Your hesitation makes sense. Not all psychiatrists have received sexuality specific training. Very […]

Understanding the Age of Sexual Consent

It can be terrifying to think about children being old enough to consent to having sex. Whether they are your own kids, family members, or if you work with them, it may seem like sexual development or behavior is getting younger and younger. Sex can mean anything penetrative including penis in vagina intercourse, oral, and […]

The Languages of Love

Have you ever found yourself saying to your partner “you never show me you love me” or, “you don’t even acknowledge when I tell you I love you?” You may be experiencing a difference in your languages of love. Just like English, Spanish, Mandarin, love is a language that we all speak. Think of your […]

Pressure To Orgasm

Pressure to orgasm: A long time ago, someone declared that an orgasm equals a successful sexual encounter. If one could not assist their partner in achieving this feat, then they were seen as an unsuitable partner.  I’m here to stop people from placing pressure on their partners to orgasm so that the real fun can begin. The […]

Male Anatomy

Male Anatomy Have you ever wondered what exactly the male penis is made of that allows it to become erect from its flaccid state? The male anatomy may seem simple at first glance, especially if we are to compare it to the female anatomy. You have a penis and testicles, or so you thought. Conversely, […]

How to Pass Human Sexuality Comprehensive Exams

You’ve gotten through your bachelor’s degree and now most of your master’s or doctoral coursework. Now is not the time to try to learn new material. You have to focus on what you already know and enhancing that knowledge as much as possible. Before the test Schedule out your plan for studying Identify how many […]

Defining Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is a condition that refers to men taking an extended period of time to ejaculation (orgasm, cum, get off, bust a nut). Some men can not ejaculate during intercourse at all. Some men experience delayed ejaculation their whole sexual lives and others start having difficulty after having no trouble getting to orgasm before. […]

Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll?

You hear all the time that alcohol and drug use can lower your inhibitions. Many people say including substances in their sexuality can really enhance their experience. While others talk about the negative impact on sexual experiences. The connection between sex and drugs and decision making: Alcohol In the US, you must be 21 years […]

Female Anatomy

Female anatomy can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the appropriate anatomical names to your female anatomy will help you to communicate with your partner and healthcare provider more efficiently. Having the same body part language as your partner can promote better communication surrounding your sexual needs and wants. Knowing your female […]

Talking To Your Partner About Your Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Having a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) can be hard enough, having to talk about it with your partner can be even more difficult. When is the right time to share this information with your partner? How do you share this information? What do you need in return from your partner? Though having the conversation may […]

Caught him on Ashley Madison: Now What?

You found your partner’s name linked to the Ashley Madison Site. Now What? The identity of millions of Ashley Madison users have been revealed, which means millions of partners are either reeling from the reveal, questioning whether to look for their partner’s name in the database, and some are simply unaware their partner has been […]

Sexual Health Education & Counseling

Accurate Sexual Health Education and Relationship Counseling Articles The world is at our fingertips, literally. As a society we have become inundated with information. You can find the answers to the most bizarre questions almost instantaneously after typing it into Google. The use of technology on the one hand can provide validation and a sense […]

Herpes Help in Philadelphia

Living with herpes: A collection of our favorite articles. Herpes Sex Guilt Philly Having Herpes, Having Sex, Having Guilt in Philly: Tips for Self Forgiveness (herpes sex guilt Philly) Herpes Impact On Your Feelings Herpes’ Impact on Your Feelings Herpes Impact On Your Body Herpes impact on your body, including outbreak duration, recurrence, treatment and prevention. Herpes Facts […]

Affairs, Infidelity & Cheating

Affairs, Infidelity & Cheating : a collection of articles written by relationship therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia. Infidelity and Marriage Infidelity and Marriage are not two words that are supposed to go together. Working through the affair with your spouse, or alone requires vulnerability, honesty, and an open-ness to making behavioral as well as emotional […]

Common Male Sexual Problems

Male Sexual Problems : Impotence & Premature Ejaculation IMPOTENCE Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction (e.g. Impotence): if, for the last three months, you have experienced an inability to attain / sustain an erection sufficient for a satisfactory sexual experience and it bothers you (or your partner) then you meet the definition of having “An Erectile Dysfunction.” Treatment For […]

Sexual Desire Differences

Top 9 most frequently read self help tips about sexual desire differences. What Is A Normal Amount Of Sex? What is a normal amount of sex? Low Sex Drive Low Sex Drive: problems with sex drive are to be expected if you are not enjoying sex – or do not get enough arousal to become orgasmic. Why […]

Resolving Conflict

Resolving Conflict: Understanding Your Partner’s Point of View   The Scenario: Two lovers in a heated fight: One person thinking “You make me so mad! If you would have just done “it” the way I wanted we would not have be in this argument right now!” The other person is sitting on the opposite side […]

Telephone, Skype, Online Therapy

Telephone Therapy, Virtual Therapy, and On-line Therapy – these are real and effective methods that are revolutionizing the world of psychotherapy (paperwork needed) .  No longer do you have to go to a therapist’s office and talk.  Through the use of technology, you can sit on your own chair in the privacy of your own space […]


Pegging is a sexual activity where a woman penetrates a man anally. Anal sex is often a topic that people assume is reserved for homosexual men. Among heterosexual couples, the common assumption around the practice of anal sex is that the male is penetrating the female. However, pegging is a practice that requires the female […]

Sex Therapy Websites

Sex Therapy Websites

Training In Human Sexuality

Continuing Education and Post-graduate Training in Human Sexuality If you are a professional, and want to improve your training, here are some programs that offer further study in human sexuality issues Advocates for youth, Advocates for Youth,  Albert Ellis Institute, Albert Ellis Institute   American Academy of Clinical Sexologists American Academy of Clinical Sexologists American […]

Degree Programs

Degree Programs in Sexuality Antioch New England — Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program. California State University, — Interdisciplinary Minor in Human Sexuality.  Duke University, — Program in the Study of Gender and Sexualities (SXL). An undergraduate certificate is available in this program. Indiana University, — Undergraduate Individualized Major in Human Sexuality — Doctoral Minor in Human […]

International Organizations for Sexual Health

International Organizations for Sexual Health International Organizations Focused on Sexuality British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenchaftliche Sexualforschung (DGSS) European Federation of Sexology (EFS) International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Society and Culture International Planned Parenthood Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) Sociedad Argentina de Sexualidad Humana Tavistock […]

Instructional Sex Sites

Instructional Sex Sites General Sex Positive Sites How To Have Good Sex, Inc. is a site dedicated to teaching adults how to have good sex Coalition for Positive Sexuality is a site dedicated to teaching adolescent and youths how enjoy their sexuality Sexual Health is a site dedicated to sexual health Pole Dancing […]

How To Have An Orgasm

How To Have An Orgasm: Questions to ask yourself Do you masturbate? Many women find it easier to have an orgasm from solo-sex (masturbation), than from two-person sex. Have you ever tried the Jack Rabbit? The Jack Rabbit is an excellent type of vibrator for women with difficulties having an orgasm. The Jack Rabbit vibrator combines […]

Dyspareunia – Painful Sexual Intercourse

Pain Before, During and After Intercourse: It Could Be Dyspareunia    Dyspareunia, is defined as recurrent and persistent genital pain that occurs before, during or after intercourse. This pain can be sharp, dull, brief or long lasting. Diagnosis typically occures when it is determined that the pain is not caused by anatomical, physiological or pharmaceutical […]

Foreplaying your Foreplay

You’ve been thinking about sex all day; the last thing you want is another night where you and your partner don’t connect in the way you need. How might you be contributing to creating an evening where sex isn’t appealing? Could you change your nightly routine to ensure you’re getting the sex you desire? Some […]

Getting the most out of your Sex Therapist

You have the utterly disappointing experience of a sexual dysfunction. Now what? First, go to your primary care physician and rule out any medical issues. Then, once all medical issues have been ruled out, seek services from a sex therapist. Here you can discover not only the possible physical reasons you are experiencing a sexual […]

Regaining Confidence After Premature Ejaculation

Regaining Confidence and Control After Premature Ejaculation: Do you feel like you are haunted by your sexual performance? Are you constantly worried about whether or not you will be able to get and maintain an erection or that maybe you will ejaculate too quickly? Maybe you are afraid to pursue a new sexual relationship because you […]

Cold Shower Myth

Debunking The Cold Shower Myth: Cold showers can actually help INCREASE arousal! Are you looking to be more creative sexually? Are you bored in bed? Do you want to try something new tonight? Well then look no farther! This tip is designed for the typical couple that wants to experience something new sexually.  It is designed […]

The Power of Compliments

The Power of Compliments:  Learn how to give your woman more detailed and specific compliments, her self confidence will improve and your appreciation for her will be enhanced. The Power of Compliments:  Compliments can become few and far between in relationships, and worse, the compliments can often become stale or too general. As nice as […]

Parenting a Child with ADD: Homework time and Home tasks

Parenting and ADHD/ADD during Homework and at Home Task Times Parenting can be a challenge all on its own!  What is even more challenging is learning how to manage your child’s ADHD/ADD in their daily routine, specifically during homework and at home tasks.  If you find that you are struggling with this issue, continue reading […]

Level of desire

People often differ in their appetite for sex. One of the most common sexual complaints among couples is a disparity in level of desire. (Think: “When I’m hot (s)he’s not!”) Since this is a common concern, it is helpful to take the time to examine the root cause of the difference in level of desire […]


Vulnerability. The mere mention of the word can make grown men squirm and grown women hide! It’s something we don’t often talk about, yet it is universal to all human beings. In the context of human relationships, vulnerability is the glue that connects us, yet terrifies most of us at the same time. When the […]

Too busy for sex

Your daughter forgot to tell you about the school project that’s due tomorrow. Your son’s soccer game starts in 45 minutes and the washer just broke. Your toddler got a raisin stuck up his nose, and there’s a huge deadline at work. Are you too busy for sex? Does the mere thought of getting naked […]

Sex Addiction Treatment and Sex Addiction Recovery in Philadelphia

Sex Addiction Treatment in Philadelphia / Sex Addiction Recovery Articles A collection of sex addiction recovery articles written by different sex therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia.  Our hope is offer people living outside of Philadelphia a way to create their own sex addiction treatment plan to help them recover.  There is no “right” way […]

Redefining Sexual Values

Redefining your sexual values is one aspect of the overall process of redefining yourself, separate from your former spouse. It’s natural to mold yourself around the needs of others, particularly in a long-term relationship or marriage. Much of this is automatic; so much so that you may not have recognized the parts of your “self” […]

Beliefs About Sex

We all have underlying beliefs about sex, about ourselves, our bodies and how it “should be.”  But most of us think of these as FACTS, not beliefs.  If left unexamined, these beliefs about sex can rob us of freedom, ease and pleasure in our sexual journey. Have you ever stopped to consider how your beliefs […]

Sex and Pregnancy: The Third Trimester

Pregnancy often changes a couple’s sex life, varying daily and changing with each trimester. Learn the most comfortable and satisfying positions for the third trimester.

The Four Horsemen of Communication

The four horsemen of communication – a common theme among married couples is that anger and fighting are viewed as negative within the relationship. According to John Gottman, a leader in couple’s counseling and research, the release of anger can be positive within the relationship. Anger becomes problematic only when it is released in what […]

Surviving Divorce 101

Strategies for surviving divorce developed by a licensed marriage and family therapist.

ReCentering Yourself After A Break-Up

You just broke up with your partner, and you now find yourself with an enormous amount of energy that you used to spend on that person. Take this opportunity to re-center that energy onto yourself. Often times, people tend to use this energy in the wrong way. You obsess about what you did wrong or […]

Better sex – without ever actually meeting with a sex therapist.

the skills to having better sex without ever actually meeting with a sex therapist.

African American Women and Self-Esteem: Society, Self-Consciousness and Self-Esteem

Although on the outside some African American women can seem a bit brass or confrontational, imagine the cultural struggles that they have to tend to daily in order to survive or be accepted in a society that can at times reject their natural being.

Breaking The Negative Velcro Loop

Breaking the negative velcro loop. Learn what is a negative velcro loop and what you need to do to stop it.

Negative Velcro Loop

Evaluate your relationship by looking at the communication skills you and your partner utilize. Get a better look at where to go in order to find that deeper level of communication between the two of you.

Identifying your Bottom Line Behaviors

Identifying your bottom line behaviors is a useful way for recovering individuals to monitor their behaviors regularly. Any behaviors the individual engages is in, that fall outside of the predetermined boundaries is considered a slip or a relapse.

Flogging 101: Where and How to Flog

Responsible, accurate, and safe flogging requires practice, research, talking with your partners, and others who are more experienced and comfortable with flogging. Flogging is meant to be erotic and arousing, but is also very dangerous. Enjoy this activity with much caution, consideration of your safety and your partner’s, preparation and education.


I suppressed feelings and created a mental world of fantasies. Now my fantasies are trying to take over my life. I feel ashamed.

Lubricate and Stimulate Exercise: Premature Ejaculation Treatment

This premature ejaculation technique is useful for men who experience hypersensitivity during sexual intercourse resulting in a quick ejaculatory response after penetration. This technique will help you merge your mind/body experience in order for you to train your body to feel the sensations of intercourse.

Premature Ejaculation Correction Exercise: Hand Job with Partner Participation

This premature ejaculation correction exercise is designed to increase your intimacy, gain awareness of your sensations, and last longer.

How do you know if you are bad at sex?

Just because you and your past partner had amazing sex, does not mean that all future lovers will consider you amazing in the bedroom. Each partner is different. Different build, different tastes, different needs, different likes and dislikes. Just like dating and relationships, the chemistry created between two people changes from person to person, and […]

Sex and Pregnancy: A Husband’s Reflection

The pregnant partner isn’t the only one experiencing change during sex. For the husband, how he views his wife, and what attracts him to his wife can change, and ideally for the positive. In the above letter, this specific husband now sees his wife as sexier with her new curves, and with more confidence. He […]

Just Because I’m Having An Orgasm, Doesn’t Mean I’m Having Fun.

This tip is designed to help those people who easily reach orgasm, yet find themselves unfulfilled from their sex life. Simple ideas to get you started toward a more exciting sexual experience.

When is the ideal time to have a baby as a couple?

In determining the ideal time to have a baby, there are many aspects of life to explore and discuss. If no answer jumps out right away, then it’s important to keep having these discussions because you will notice over time and depending on what’s going on with your life at the time, you’re answers (and […]

The six most common excuses to not use online dating

Just like with any approach to dating, the amount of time it will take you to find the right person and the right relationship is unknown. Some people met their spouse via online dating after 30 days, others had to try a few different sites over a few years. However, the sooner you face your […]

Mind-Body Awareness Through Touch

Increasing Mind-Body Awareness Through Touch: An exercise that can be done without a partner.

Assessing Your Premature Ejaculation

Assessing your premature ejaculation. What type of premature ejaculation do you struggle with.

Type 1 verses Type 2 Diabetes – What the Media Overlooks

Type 1 verses Type 2 Diabetes – What the Media Overlooks

What Is Premature Ejaculation

What is premature ejaculation? Premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates within three minutes during a sexual experience . . .

Premature Ejaculation Exercise

Our premature ejaculation exercise is designed to help you develop the skills on how to last longer.

Support your pregnant partner and be vulnerable

How to Emotionally Support Your Pregnant Partner and be vulnerable requires following 8 Simple Concepts.

Being pregnant when no one knows

Being pregnant when no one knows. Congratulations! Let us be the first to rejoice with you. Keeping you’re pregnancy a secret for the time being can be bittersweet, and even a struggle for many.

Making Skype Sexy

Intimacy and skype – making skype sexy – learn the art of becoming cyber-sexy.

Helping your Teen Cope with Death: Losing their Best Friend by Sudden Death

Teen coping: Your teen may cope with death in various ways. You may be able to identify their experience of grief by observing their expressed sad mood. For others it can be quite difficult to pin point their level of grief. What may appear to be typical behaviors and moods may actually be insidious symptoms […]

Infidelity and Marriage

Infidelity and Marriage are not two words that are supposed to go together. Working through the affair with your spouse, or alone requires vulnerability, honesty, and an open-ness to making behavioral as well as emotional changes. Change takes time, strength, and reflection.

Alex Caroline Robboy CAS MSW LCSW

"Alex" Caroline Robboy

The full resume of “Alex” Caroline Robboy, CAS, MSW, LCSW, a certified Imago Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist. She is the founder and director of the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia.

Sexlosteem: How Women Can Overcome

This SEXLOSTEEM tip is designed to help women that are struggling with Sexlosteem during intimate moments with their partner. If you are ready to take the next step to combat your fears, negative thoughts, and increase your intimacy with your partner start here.

Sexlosteem: How Men Can Overcome

This Sexlosteem tip is designed for men to help you discover the masks that you wear in order to cover up your vulnerability. Your self-evaluation can either elevate or pull you down.

How To Flirt With Your Husband

How to Flirt with Your Husband – It’s weird right? Why would you flirt with your husband? Well, the reasons are the same as the reasons you flirted when you were “courting/dating/exploring each other”. It keeps things spicy, new and fun.

Sexlosteem: The Ups, Downs, and Stagnaters

In laymen’s terms, you are self-conscious of your body especially during non-intimate moments and sexual intercourse. Sexlosteem leads to limited connectedness with your partner and sexual experience.

Sexlosteem: Stagnater

Stagnaters experience stagnation in the bedroom which can lead to a stale relationship as well as dissatisfaction in the bedroom.

Digital Stimulation: A How To Guide

Digital Stimulation (otherwise known as fingering): A How To Guide

The Female G-Spot

Learn how to locate and stimulate the female gspot.

The Male G-Spot

How to Stimulate and Locate the Prostate Gland (ie. the male g-spot)

What Is Your Sex Drive

What is your sex drive? For some couples having a different level of sexual drive / desire in a relationship creates problems, and for others it is not a big issue. There is a wide range of sexual variations that people may experience. Take our test and explore the differences that exist between you and […]

Friends With Benefits Is It Right For You?

Before engaging in a “Friends with Benefits” it is important for a person to decide for him or herself what she or he really wants out of a relationship.

Fecal Play

Fecal Play (Defecation Play, Scat Play, Brown Showers)

Your Right To Write

Your Right to Write: Surviving Rape/Sexual Abuse

Yoni Massage

Yoni Massage Tantra Style – Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina.

Women, Sex, and Body Image

Women, sex and their body image. Many women struggle to reveal their true sexual selves, naked and all, because of insecurities about their body.

Will This Relationship Last?

Will this relationship last? Should I invest time and energy into it? Will counseling help?

Where To Get Help With Herpes

Cold Sores

Where to get help with Herpes

Where Has The Good Sex Gone

The following 5 items are crucial elements when it comes to having good sex. If you have noticed the quality and frequency of sex and intimacy with your partner has changed recently, this checklist is a great way to assess your current pattern and possibly identify areas to make a change

When To Use An Intervention

Many turn to interventions when confronting a loved one’s sex addiction, drinking problem, or an inability to manage their bipolar disorder, etc. The person’s life is spiraling out of control and it’s only a matter of time until the unspeakable happens. An intervention is typically chosen when family and friends feel that their loved one’s […]

When Sex Is A Trigger

For some people with PTSD sex can be a trigger. Sex as a trigger is common among survivors of sexual assault and rape. However, other types of trauma could still impact a person’s desire to have sex or impact a person’s feelings about sex. Some people with PTSD may try to avoid sex altogether, while […]

What To Expect In Supervision

What to expect in supervision at The Center For Growth / Sex Therapy In Philadelphia? Supervision is core to our robust training program.

What Is Going On Anorexia

Anorexia as a source of pride, direction, opinions and a way to express vulnerability.

Warning Signs Of A Sex Addiction

Warning Signs Sex Addiction: If you have ever wondered if your partner struggles with a sex addiction, read this list and discover for yourself how well your partner fits the description.

Vulvar Vestibulitis Treatment in Philadelphia

Self-Help Tips for Satisfying Sexual Experiences when you have Vulvar Vestibulitis

Symptoms of Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome

Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome includes physical as well as psychological symptoms.

Exploring and Becoming Familiar with your Vulva

Increase your sexual pleasure by exploring and becoming familiar with your vulva.

Client Centered Therapy

What is Client Centered Therapy? And how will a therapist using a Client Centered Approach help me?


Vaginismus is a disorder defined as painful spasms of muscles around the outer third of the vagina. Learn how to relax the muscle.

Vacation From Sex: Working through Trauma

Vacation From Sex Determining if a Vacation From Sex Could Help You. Survivors of sexual abuse who are trying to heal from their trauma should taking a vacation from sex.

What You Should Know About Urogynecology

What you should know about Urogynecology : Urogynecology treats problems affecting the female pelvic floor


Why should I see a Urogynecologist? As the name implies, urogynecologists have expertise in gynecology, urology, and bowel dysfunction in women.

Urinary Incontinence

What you should know about Urogynecology & when is it time to seek treatment for urinary incontinence.

Treatment For Getting Or Maintaining An Erection

If you do not have any medical issues that are causing you a problem with getting or maintaining an erection, sex therapy can be an effective treatment.

Treatment For Anorexia: What To Expect

What To Expect: Treatment for Anorexia at the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia.

Too Tight

Too tight? What to do to relax the vaginal muscles.

How Do I Know If Threesomes Are Right For Me?

How do I know if threesomes are right for me? How will I know if having a threesome is right for me and my partner?

The Right Therapist

At the end of the first session, you know you are with the right therapist / marriage counselor when:

Telling A Spouse About Your Sex Addiction

Telling a spouse about your sexual addiction is a big step. There is a very real possibility that she/he will end the relationship. Think about whether you are ready to take the step, and consider having a therapist help you with the decision. When you decide you are ready, the step will be an important […]


Talk, talk, talk, talk that’s all you want to do: guidelines developed at the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia to facilitate expression of emotions, understanding nonverbal communication and learning to listen.

Swingers Clubs and Sex Clubs

Swingers Clubs and sex clubs can be a good option for a couple who is pursuing an open relationship or for the couple who wants to spice up their sex life. One of the things that you will find as you start to look for swingers clubs and sex clubs is that there are several […]

Suicidal Ideations

Suicidal Ideations / Suicidal Tendencies – Recognize and Respond. Strategies for survival.

Stress Management

Stress & stress management. What is stress, and how do you manage stress?

Stimulating The Anus Guide

Stimulating the anus guide: A Guide for A Woman Receiving. Take control and get the most out of your anus 🙂

Spina Bifida And Sex

Spina Bifida & Sex: A Brief Overview Any birth defect in which the spine does not close completely is considered spina bifida.  This defect typically develops during the first month of pregnancy and seems to be the result of both genetic and environmental factors. Spina bifida occurs in roughly 7 out of 10,000 live births. […]

Spermicides And Birth Defects

Can spermicides cause birth defects? False and here is why spermicides and birth defects are not connected.

Sliding Scale Therapist

Sliding Scale Therapist Services in Philadelphia. To qualify for a reduced fee you will need to do the following.

Skype Sex 101

Skype Sex 101: The Set-Up. What should a person do, and how to set it up.

Simple Tips For Dating Philly

Simple Tips for Dating Philly: Getting Out There And Having Fun The key to dealing with dating in Philly is to just get out and do it. Often a good game plan and some good information about Philly can help get you moving.

What Is A Silent Alarm?

A silent alarm (a safe call, or safety call), is useful when you are meeting a new partner or someone you don’t know well enough yet. Using a silent alarm requires

Shame Of Sex Addiction

The Shame of Sex Addiction we have all been ashamed of ourselves at some point, and for most of us, many times throughout our lives.

Sexual Desire Issue

Expressing Needs With A Sexual Desire Issue: Are you and your partner struggling with sexual desire? Do you feel pressure to perform although you’re not in the mood? Is sex unsatisfying? Does it feel like a chore?

Sexual Style

Take the steps to discover sexual style.

Sexual Shell

Bringing your partner out of their sexual shell; have you and your partner fallen into the same sexual routine? Have you noticed that your partner always initiates sex play the same way?

Sexual Self Esteem

Sexual Self Esteem

Learn how to improve your sexual self esteem.

Sexual Safety At College

Practicing Sexual Safety at College: going to live at college in Philadelphia opens up a wide new world of freedoms. Learn more about staying safe.

Sexual Positions

Sexual Positions – a guide to when to use which position! Developed at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia

Sexual Pain Glossary

Sexual Pain Glossary If you have been experiencing sexual pain for some time now and are beginning a course of treatment, you may hear many different terms to describe your condition and the necessary treatment. These new terms may be confusing and at times sound like a different language.

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation is very complex. More people than you may believe have had sexual feelings and thoughts about the same sex and/or had sexual experiences with individuals of the same sex who consider themselves heterosexual.

Sexual Genogram: Making Sense of Your History

Sexual Genogram: Making Sense of Your History. The types of questions sex therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia ask while taking a sexual history.

How To Create Your Own Sexual Fantasy

Do you have some specific sexual fantasies or have you been somewhat stumped by that question in the past? Well, this is the how-to for creating a sexual fantasy.

Sexual Compulsion Triggers

Identifying Sexual Compulsion Triggers: a key component of sexual addiction treatment is figuring out when and where during your day that you are most likely to act out sexually. Then creating a plan for how you will deal with these chunks of time so that when they come up, you do not act out

Sexual Boundaries

Sexual Boundaries: having boundaries is an essential piece in feeling safe in any relationship (friendship, with family, lover, etc.). Sexual boundaries is about knowing your limits and what you’re comfortable with, and being able to advocate for yourself as needed.

Sexual Aversion

If the feeling of not wanting sex persists and you find the thought of it disgusting, repulsive or unpleasant, you might be experiencing a sexual aversion.

Sexual Abstinence

Sexual abstinence is when one chooses to refrain from engaging in sexual behaviors.

Sex Therapist Society Hill

Sex Therapist Society Hill, Philadelphia PA 19106

Sex Games

Sex Games

Sex Games: Children know how much fun playing games can be, and adults would do well to remember. Not sure what to do,we have included an entire instruction set for sex games at home!

Sex and Pregnancy

Sex and Pregnancy: Pregnancy is a life altering event. Life will never be the same as you knew it. You can not go back. Parenthood is permanent.

Sex and Menopause

Should the words Sex and Menopause still go together? The good news is that women before, during and after menopause continue to be sexual beings. However, for anyone who has lived through menopause knows this answer is too simplistic.

Sex and Heart Attacks

Sex and heart attacks: an exploration

Sex After the Birth of a Child

Sex after the birth of a child is a different experience. Life, while fun, will not be the same.

Sex After Pregnancy

Sex after pregnancy: Not much research has been done to establish the frequency of intercourse after the birth of a child.

Sex Addiction Recovery in Philadelphia

Sex addiction recovery in Philadelphia: The first step in recovering from a sex addiction starts with you! True recovery means becoming honest with oneself

Do I really want to recover from Sex Addiction?

Do I really want to recover from sex addiction? Most individuals reach a point where they realize that their sex addiction has caused much more pain than pleasure in their lives and led to isolation, loneliness, legal problems, and financial problems. Yet to totally give it up and try to recover from sexual addiction? What […]

Imago Therapy and Sex Addiction

Imago therapy and sex addiction work well together. Healing is created by developing a space safe enough to have all of you show up. The first stage still requires withdrawal. And the second stage is focused on becoming whole again.

Sex Addiction Obstacles and Coping Skills

Sex Addiction: Obstacles and Coping Skills The first step when recovering from a sexual addiction is to stop the sexually compulsive behavior. This step may seem simple enough, however willpower alone or just telling yourself that you will never do the behavior again is rarely successful. Urges to engage in the behavior can be very […]

Sex Addiction and Work

Sex Addiction And Work: For many people struggling with a sex addiction, the stress they face at work or school is an important trigger that either starts or perpetuates their addictive cycle.

Sex Pregnancy Quiz

Take the sex pregnancy quiz. How much do you know about sex and pregnancy. Test yourself.

Setting The Mood For Sex

Setting The Mood For Sex

Setting the Mood For Sex – How do you go about creating a mood for sex? The following is an exercise we use at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia/Center for Growth.

Senior Citizens Sex Relationships

Senior Citizens, Sex and Relationships: Sexuality is a key component of human health in any age group. Most seniors still enjoy intimate relationships with their partners. As people live longer, more seniors will become single – either through death of a loved one or divorce. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about […]


The art of seduction: good sex is frequently determined within the first few minutes even before the act.


The art of seducing: good sex is frequently determined within the first few minutes even before the act.

Safer Sex Techniques

Safer Sex Techniques – What’s that? In a nut shell, it’s techniques that people utilize to decrease the potential natural consequences of becoming sexually alive. Note: not being sexual also has it’s own set of risks.

Role Playing

Role Playing: Gateway To Your Sexual Fantasies Role playing is a fun way to spice up your sex life.

Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa

Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa: While anyone can develop this disorder, certain people are more likely than others to suffer from it

Sex & Pregnancy – The Right Tools and Support

Sex & Pregnancy – The Right Tools and Support

Is Celibacy Right for You and Your Partner?

Is Celibacy Right for You and Your Partner

Relying On Porn and Fantasy

Relying on porn and fantasy: Have you been struggling to ejaculate when having intercourse with your partner? Do you find yourself taking longer and longer to ejaculate

Relieving Depression

Relieving Depression: Over ten percent of the population experiences depression at least once in a lifetime. If you have difficulty enjoying life . . . .

Recognize Obsessive Compulsive

Recognize Obsessive Compulsive Behavior: Ritual is something that every human being uses everyday – whether we realize it or not.

Recognize Eating Disorders

recognize eating disorders – In today’s world, you can barely go anywhere in New Jersey, Delaware or Pennsylvania or do anything without having a certain body-image ideal brought to your attention.

Reclaiming Your Right To Dress Sexy

Reclaiming your right to dress sexy: to most people, a little black dress is just an accessory for a fun Friday night out on South Street Philadelphia.

Recently Single in Philly

Recently Single – What do I do now?

Receiving Cunnilingus

Receiving Cunnilingus: first and foremost focus on yourself.

Rape Sex Abuse Therapy Philadelphia

No one asks to be raped or sexually abused. Experiencing rape, sex abuse or any type of sexual trauma is a horrible event that can have an ongoing long term impact on your life.

Quality Of Sex During Pregnancy

There is very little “research” on the answer to the question, “What is the quality of sex during pregnancy v.s. pre-pregnancy?”

Putting Passion Back Into Your Relationship

A guide to putting passion back into your relationship

Programs in Human Sexuality

a list of programs in human sexuality.

Professional Organizations for Sexual Health

Professional Organizations for sexual health based in the United States


Prodrome refers to the early symptoms and signs that a person experiences before the full blown symptoms of an illness become evident.

Preparing For Your First Session of Sexual Addiction

Complete this list of questions to help you prepare for your first session of sexual addiction treatment at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth.

Premature Ejaculation Sexual Anxiety

Premature ejaculation and sexual anxiety treatment in Philadelphia. Practical steps that can be taken to learn how to last longer from the privacy of your own home.

Premarital Counseling Intimacy Enhancement Three Hour Course

Pre-marital counseling and intimacy enhancement course is an individualized three hour course for all ages. This targeted counseling service is safe, fun and reasonably priced. and can change your marriage for the better. Call today to learn more and enroll.

Postpartum Depression In Philadelphia

Postpartum depression in Philadelphia, or PPD is a common problem facing new moms in Philadelphia that should not be ignored. An overview.

Polyamorous Relationships

The Three Primary Polyamorous Relationships Styles

Pleasuring A Woman

A guide to pleasuring a woman in Philadelphia: Women, like men are all different. Some like it hard, some like it soft. Some women need emotional connection, while others like emotional distance. Thus, there is no ‘one’ right way

Pleasure Female Gspot

How To Find and Pleasure Female GSpot (g-spot). A guide developed at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth.

Play Therapy in Philadelphia

Play therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth. A highly specialized type of care for people whose treatment needs are unique from adults.

Personality Profiles Anorexia

Personality Profiles Anorexia: People with Anorexia Nervosa are usually persistent, conscientious, competitive and driven to succeed types of people.

Perinatal Depression Quiz

Take the perinatal depression quiz developed at the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia to determine what type of depression you have.

Penetration Toys Philadelphia

Penetration Toys Philadelphia: are sex toys designed to be penetrated by a penis.

Premature Ejaculation and the Angry Lover

PE and the Angry Lover (Premature Ejaculation): Sexual exercises developed at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth to overcome this issue.

Panic Attacks Philadelphia

Panic attacks can be devastating for the people suffering from them and mystifying for their friends and loved ones.

Panic Attack Treatment Philly

Panic attack treatment Philly: 10 Things to Do During a Panic Attack

Painful Intercourse

Painful Intercourse: Most women who are sexually active with a partner at some point in their life may experience a sharp pain during intercourse.

Pain During Pregnancy

Question about pain during pregnancy: Can intercourse during pregnancy cause a woman to feel pain?

Overcoming Sexual Pain Philadelphia

Overcoming Sexual Pain in a group setting- Learn about our Sexual Pain Group located in Center City Philadelphia

Overcoming Negative Body Image

Body Image

Overcoming Negative Body Image Treatment (from The Center for Growth in Philadelphia)

Orgasms and Premature Labor Sex

Orgasms and premature labor sex – Question – Can female orgasms cause premature labor?

Cold Sores (Oral Facial Herpes)

Oral Facial Herpes: Herpes is a very common and usually mild recurrent skin condition transmitted through skin to skin contact.

Open Relationship Ground Rules

Basic Open Relationship Ground Rules

Open Relationships Communication

Open relationships communication What do you do if you are involved with someone (whether it be long term or you just met) and you want to consider an open relationship?

Online Therapy

Online Therapy / Skyping

What Is A Normal Amount Of Sex?

What is a normal amount of sex?

Nicotine and Sex

Nicotine and Sex: how cigarettes impact your sexuality.

Getting Naked with Negative Body Image

Negative Body Image: an exercise to designed to improve body image.

Developing a Shared Financial Vision

Money Problems and Financial Concerns. To better understand your situation complete this exercise.

Minimizing the risk of herpes transmission

Minimizing the risk of herpes transmission: Herpes is most contagious during an outbreak, however it can be spread even when no symptoms are present if the virus is active on the skin, but asymptomatic.

I Might Be Bisexual

might be bisexual: now what? As long as you can remember, while living in Philadelpia, you have always considered yourself to be straight but has there always been this nagging feeling that you might be missing out on something?

Michele Gill McKenna

Michele Gill McKenna resume / CV. She is a play therapist at the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia.

Medical Problems and Sex

Medical Problems and Sex: Health and sexuality often go hand-and-hand.

Medical Doctors and Anorexia

Medical Doctors and Anorexia: Why is seeing a medical doctor so important with Anorexia?

Masturbation Turning Yourself On

Masturbation turning yourself on exercise

Masturbation Frustration

Masturbation: Did just reading that word make you cringe?

Masturbation at Work

Quitting Masturbation at Work : Establishing Healthy Behaviors in the Greater Philadelphia Area / South Jersey

Masturbation and Pregnancy

Masturbation and Pregnancy. Question: Is masturbation bad for the fetus?

Marriage Therapy and Couples Counseling

Marriage Counseling Philadelphia. Many people have marital problems that have nothing to do with sex. Sex Therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth are all MARRIAGE COUNSELORS and then have gone on and done specialized training to also be able to work with issues that arise in the bedroom.

Manual Stimulation Philadelphia

Manual stimulation (hand jobs, fingering, digital stimulation) is the practice of using one’s hands to sexually stimulate a partner’s genitals, perineal body and/or anus

Making The Call

Making the Decision to Enter Therapy in Philadelphia: Making the call, booking and attending your first therapy appointment can be overwhelming.

Making Amends Sex Addiction

Making Amends When You’ve Made a Mistake Has your sexual addiction ever caused you to harm or disappoint someone you cared about?

Making Polyamorous Relationships Work

The Secret To Making a Polyamorous Relationships Work, brought to you by a sex therapist:

Low Self Esteem in Philadelphia

Low Self Esteem

Is It Low Self-Esteem? How to recognize Low Selfesteem in Philadelphia and come to terms when a poor self-concept is the root of your problems.

Low Fee Therapy

Low Fee Therapy

Loss of a Loved One

How to Deal with the Loss of a Loved One in Philadelphia: at some point in life, most of us will experience the loss of a loved one.

Locate an urologist in the phila

Recommended Urologist has been moved to HERE

Locate a Gynecologist

Recommended Obstetrician / Gynecologists has been moved to HERE      

Living With Herpes

Living with herpes in Philadelphia: you likely have many questions and concerns about your recent herpes diagnosis, such as those listed below.

Lingam Massage

We do not engage in Lingam Massage with clients. We TEACH clients how to engage in Lingam Massage with their lovers. We are Licensed Therapists and engage in sex therapy. We are NOT sexual surragates, prostitutes or call girls.

Level Of Commitment

An exercise to determine your Lover’s level of commitment to you and to this relationship.

Pregnancy – An Opportunity To Learn How To Have Better Sex

Pregnancy as an OPPORTUNITY to learn how to have better sex with your spouse.

Keeping The Romance Alive

Keeping the romance alive: learning how to spice up one day-to-day life with some simple tricks.

Is sex harmful during pregnancy?

Is sex harmful during pregnancy

Introducing a Poly Relationship

Introducing a Poly Relationship, or at least the idea of one to your partner:

Intimacy in the Bedroom

Intimacy in the bedroom: 10 things to keep in mind to increase intimacy in the bedroom in Philadelphia.

Intimacy Expression Exercise

The Intimacy Expression Exercise A vacation from sex can be a useful way for survivors of sexual trauma to heal. A vacation from sex provides survivors of sexual trauma (or anyone who is struggling with less sexual desire than they would want for themselves) with an opportunity to process their emotions and feelings about sex, […]

Intimacy And Authenticity

Intimacy and authenticity: What is intimacy and how do you know when you are being intimate with another person?

Anger About Partners Loss of Erection

What to Do When Your Partner Loses an Erection: When Getting Angry is OK

Anger Management Philadelphia

Anger Management Treatment in Philadelphia: techniques to try at home.

Benefits of Celibacy

Celibacy is not the abnormal word it is sometimes made out to be. There are many benefits of celibacy.

Confused Sexual Orientation

Confused sexual orientation.

Depressed in Philadelphia

Depressed in Philadelphia? How to Spot a Depressive Disorder.

Depression and Sex in Philly

Depression and sex. How does your depression effect your sexuality.

Digital Stimulation

A one-hour how to exercise for digital stimulation utilized at Sex Therapy/Couples Counseling in Philadelphia.

Emotional Changes for the Couple During Pregnancy

During pregnancy couples experience many emotional changes. Learn what they are, and how to prepare you and your partner for them.

Feeling Down vs Depression

Feeling down vs Depression We All Go Through Slumps in Philadelphia…Here’s How You can Tell If It’s Something More.

How To Enjoy Porn

How to enjoy porn with a lover & Ways to teach your lover to enjoy porn with you.

How To Get The Most Out Of Couples Therapy

How to get the most out of couples therapy: you have made an important choice: to invest in the improvement of your relationship. By developing appropriate expectations and following a few suggestions, your investment in couples therapy can reap great rewards. This document is designed to help you get the most benefit from our work […]

Explanation of Therapist Credentials

Explanation of Therapist Credentials AAC Advanced Addiction Counselor AAMFT American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists AAPC Fellow American Association of Pastoral Counselors- Fellow AASECT American Association of Sex Educators Counselors and Therapists ABD “All but Dissertation” = Completed Doctoral Coursework but not the degree ABPP Board Certified Psychologist ACHT Advanced Certified Hypnotherapist AMHCA American Mental […]

Improving Relationships

Improving Relationships – Requires Taking Action Depending on the severity of the imbalance in your relationship, you may  want to seek help from a couple’s counselor. Some men see a desire for counseling as weakness, an inability to solve personal problems on your own, but this is not true at all! A counselor is not […]

Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis What is Interstitial Cystitis? Interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS), is an inflammatory condition of the bladder.  This condition is painful and is caused by inflammation of the tissues of bladder wall.  The most common symptoms of IC include: increased frequency of urination, pelvic pain, and urinary discomfort.  It […]

Internet And Open Relationships

Internet and Open Relationships. Understand Internet jargon (abbreviations) and learn how to go about using the Internet to enhance your open relationship.

International Sexual Health Organizations

International Organizations for Sexual Health

Initiating Sex

Initiating Sex Does your partner usually initiate sex?  What do you do that you may think it is impossible for you to begin the dialogue and initiate the sex that you desire; after all, sex is not something we usually talk about.  If you are reading this tip, it is apparent that you want to […]

Information About Sex And Pregnancy

Information about sex and pregnancy: Talking about sex has become a mainstream concept. Many media sources have devoted time to discussing sexuality. Never the less, there is little information about how sex relates to pregnancy.


Erectile Dysfunction (e.g. Impotence) If, for the last three months, you have experienced an inability to attain / sustain an erection sufficient for a satisfactory sexual experience and it bothers you (or your partner) then you meet the definition of having “An Erectile Dysfunction.”  The term erectile dysfunction (ED), is frequently used by professionals because […]


Implanon (Birth Control) Implanon is a plastic, match-stick sized device implanted into the arm by a health-care practitioner.  Implanon is a progestin-only form of birth control that can be used even if the user cannot use hormonal birth control containing estrogen. Before making any *decisions* talk with your health care provider to determine if implanon […]

Imago Style: Deepening A Conversation

Deepening a conversation — Imago Style Sometimes having a “deep” or “vulnerable” conversation with  a friend, family member or lover can feel so elusive.  It’s easy not to know what to say and to keep  the conversation on a surface — but engaging level.  In fact, one can spend endless hours discussing  the weather, politics, […]

How To Use Touch To Get The Most Out Of Sex

How To Use Touch To Get The Most Out of Sex – An important part of sexual experiences is touching. Knowing how you like your partner to touch you is sometimes the difference between a good sexual experience and a great sexual experience.

How To Tell Someone You Are In Counseling

How to tell someone you are in counseling at the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia. Step by step guide.

How To Share Sexual Fantasies

How to share sexual fantasies with your Lover: I’m in Italy for the first time and I meet a man in his forties named Giuseppe. He’s got beautiful salt and pepper hair and a well chiseled face. He drives a classic Alfa Romeo and is wearing a black cashmere coat with matching scarf. With a thick […]

How To Pick A Pleasurable Condom

Sex Therapists Tell The Secrets Of How To Pick A Pleasurable Condom Why Pleasurable Condoms are Important Condoms are currently the only way to decrease your risk of getting or passing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during penis-vagina sex, penis-anus sex, oral sex on a penis, or sharing sex toys.  Whether used alone or with a […]

How To Masturbate

How to Masturbate: For Women There is no one right way for how to masturbate.  If it feels good, and no one is getting hurt, than it’s the perfect way.  However, if you are in the mood to learn how others might masturbate, or some new and interesting techniques to add to your current selection keep […]

How To Listen Judgement Free

Learn to communicate without explaining and how to listen judgement free. This is a core skill taught couples therapy and marriage counseling sessions.

How to help your child in treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa –  How to help your child in treatment recover from Anorexia Nervosa at the Center for Growth  <!–written by : Marion Goertz, DMin, RMFT –>To address child’s anxiety: Listen with compassion Ask if you can give them a hug or hold their hand Help them identify their sources of stress outside of the […]

How To Get The Most Out Of Individual Therapy

How to get the most out of individual therapy at the Center for Growth: you have made an important decision: to invest in yourself so that can become the person you have always wanted to be. By following a few suggestions, you can get the maximum benefit from your work with a therapist in Philadelphia.

How To Do A Strip Tease

How to do a strip tease for your partner Have you been wanting to surprise your partner with something just a little out of the ordinary, like a striptease but have never done one before? Not to worry, a striptease is intended to be fun and playful for both of you. If you are looking […]

How To Deep Throat

Follow these steps to learn how to deep throat . . .

How To Choose A Therapist

How to choose a therapist.

How To Become A Sex Therapist

sex therapist philadelphia

The steps of becoming a sex therapist are outlined in this article.

How To Approach Sex

How to Approach Sex – Rather than thinking about sex with the focus on having an orgasm, this exercise encourages you to think about how to approach sex with the focus being about pleasure.

How Frequently Will I Have Herpes Outbreaks

How Frequently will I have Herpes outbreaks

High Sex Drive

High Sex Drive or Sexual Addiction?

Herpes Treatment Options

Herpes Treatment Options

Herpes Support Group

Herpes Support Group in Center City Philadelphia, Time & Date: Every first and third Thursday @ 6:30pm

Herpes Symptoms

Herpes symptoms

Herpes Sex Guilt Philly

Having Herpes, Having Sex, Having Guilt in Philly: Tips for Self Forgiveness (herpes sex guilt Philly)

Herpes Resources in Philadelphia

Enroll in our Herpes Therapy Support Group or just read about the benefits of joining a herpes support group

Herpes Impact On Your Feelings

Herpes’ Impact on Your Feelings

Herpes Impact On Your Body

Herpes impact on your body, including outbreak duration, recurrence, treatment and prevention.

Herpes Facts

Herpes facts

Help With PE Redefining Your Masturbation Goals

Help with Premature Ejaculation (PE): Through the use of the arousal scale redefine your masturbation goals.

How to Give a Handjob

Handjob: A How To Guide A handjob can start either with a flaccid penis or with one that is fully erect, for this exercise begin the hand job with a hard/erect penis.

Grief and Loss Therapy Group

Grief and Loss therapy group in Center City Philadelphia. Call (215) 922-5683 x 4 to join.

Good Sex Means Making The Time

Good sex means making the time.

Giving Too Much

Giving too much. Recognizing the issue.

Getting More Out Of Sex

Getting More Out of Sex -The purpose of the tip is to help you become more in touch with your body, specifically to increase your sexual-self-awareness, and to get more out of sex.

Fuck Buddies Philly

Fuck Buddies Fuck Buddies are a form of sexual relationship that does not include a romantic or emotional component. Possible Benefits of Fuck Buddies in Philly Being able to experience sexual gratification without having to manage the complexities of emotions and/or romance. It is easier to fit into a busy work or life schedule than […]

Forced Into Therapy

Feel like you are forced into therapy by a loving partner? Do you feel like your partner is “nagging” you to go to therapy for a problem you don’t believe you have?

Foot Stimulation

Foot Stimulation: One of the most forgotten, shunned and under appreciated body parts are the feet. Feet sometimes experience neglect, because of their reputation as dirty and smelly.

Finger Painting and Sex

Finger painting and sex.

Fertility Problems

Easy steps to take to decrease the risk of fertility problems.

Female Sexual Pain

Female Sexual Pain – Some of the conditions that cause female sexual pain include: vulvodynia, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted infections, vaginal infections, fibroids, ovarian cysts, cervical problems, or lack of vaginal lubrication.

Feelings about entering therapy for Anorexia Nervosa

Feelings about entering therapy for Anorexia Nervosa

Fear of Infidelity

Fear of Infidelity. Every couple, at some point, faces the fear of infidelity. Couples counseling can help.



Family Roles in Sex Addicted System

In a sex addicted system (also known as a sex addicted family system), it is common for the disease to become the central focus within the system. As you read through the rolls, see if any are applicable to you.

The Imago Dialogue

To engage in Fair Fighting Techniques, also known as creating safety through the use of an Imago Dialogue take the following steps.

Extramarital Affairs

Common reasons why extramarital affairs occur and ways to identify that your spouse might be engaging in an extramarital affair.

Experiencing Sexual Self Awareness

Becoming a better communicator about what you are experiencing in the bedroom with your lover. Identifying the important pieces of information to share.


Erotica. Making story time happen.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (e.g. Impotence): if, for the last three months, you have experienced an inability to attain / sustain an erection sufficient for a satisfactory sexual experience and it bothers you (or your partner) then you meet the definition of having “An Erectile Dysfunction.”

Emotional Impact of Herpes

Hope After Herpes: The Emotional Impact

Eating Disorders and Sexual Trauma

Eating Disorders and Sexual Trauma there is a connection between sexual trauma and eating disorders.

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders Treatment in Center City Philadelphia. Recognize and Respond.

The Eating Disorder Voice

The Eating Disorder voice verbally abuses people with Anorexia.

Dynamic Relationship

The How To’s for a Dynamic Relationship

Does sex cause miscarriages

Does sex cause miscarriages?

Dividing issues during pregnancy

Common dividing couples during pregnancy. Most of these issues can be worked through with a skilled marriage / couples counselor. Help in Philadelphia is available.

Disclosing your herpes diagnosis to your partner

Disclosing your herpes diagnosis to your partner

Directions To The Center For Growth

Directions to the Center for Growth and Sex Therapy in Philadelphia

What is a Dildo?

What is a dildo? How to use a dildo? & How to introduce a dildo to your lover? Are all answered in this article.

Diagnosing Herpes

Diagnosing herpes in Philadelphia

Developing a Gay or Lesbian Support Network

Developing a Gay Lesbian Support Network – Building a gay/lesbian support network can be a very important part of the coming out process.

Developing a Sexual Self

Developing A Sexual Self exercise can help you to build positive intimate experiences with yourself and your partner.

Depression therapy in Phila

Depression Therapy in Phila: typically people with depression go to social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, psychotherapists for help.

Depression Support Groups

Depression Support Group in Center City Philadelphia. This group is unrelated to sex therapy. Call 267-324-9564 for more information.

Dating After Loss

Dating after loss: knowing when to start dating after loosing a spouse or significant other is one of the difficult tasks that accompanies loosing the person. There are many factors that need to be addressed before the decision to start dating again can be made.

Cycle Of Grief

Cycle of grief. What is it, and how does the cycle of grief work?

Culturally Competent Therapist

How to Seek a Culturally Competent Therapist.

Cuddle Party Philadelphia

Cuddle Party in Philadelphia

Couples and Finances: How to figure out your money personality

Couples and finances: how to figure out your money personality

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Coping with Stress and Anxiety – So what do you do if you are experiencing stress and anxiety? How can you cope with it? At Center for Growth, these are some of the techniques will teach you.

Coping with Internalized Homophobia

Coping with Internalized Homophobia – By being a product of this culture, you too may have negative ideas and thoughts about being homosexual. It is known as internalized homophobia.

Confronting the Abuser

Confronting the abuser is a technique that may be utilized in sex abuse / trauma treatment.the goal of confronting your abuser is for you to regain your voice and re-do things so that you can play an active role. You can change the outcome of history for others who would be affected by the abuser, […]

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution: Looking at conflict from your partner’s perspective a key concept learned in couples and marriage counseling. A how to guide to doing so at home.

Confidence Boost

Need a Quick Confidence Boost? Try a Mantra. This is something that can be done at home without the presence of a therapist.

Communication Without Explanations

Communication without the Explanations: A How-To guide for the Speaker and the Listener. This communication without explanation tip was designed for the couple that is already in therapy to be used at home between sessions.

Communication Problems

A collection of articles designed to improve communication problems. Brought to you by relationship therapists at the Center for Growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia.

Coming Out To Family Members

Coming out to family members – The idea of telling your family members that you are gay or lesbian can be very anxiety producing.


The Coaddict: Loss of Identity a sex addict’s life becomes isolated, lonely, and singularly focused on the addictive stimuli. The disease of sex addiction however, is crowded and complex, and it affects every person the addict had a relationship with: family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue therapy in Philadelphia


Cheating Cheating is a common term that is used by lay people. The term cheating is often used synonymously with “illicit affair, infidelity, unfaithful, bamboozle, fool, con, and defraud.”

Cheap Dates in Philly

Cheap dates in Philly, fun dates that won’t break the bank.

Changing Negative Thinking

Changing Negative Thinking – Frequent negative thinking contributes to a variety of problems including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, poor body image, sexual problems etc.

Bring Romance Back Into Your Relationship

How to bring romance back into your relationship

Getting Your Partner on Board with Your Vacation from Sex

  Getting Your Partner on Board With Your Vacation From Sex   (The Center for Growth in Philadelphia) You’ve decided that taking a vacation from sex is an important step for you in healing from your sexual trauma.  This vacation is a wonderful opportunity for you to develop a healthy sexuality and to better understand yourself […]

How to Give a Blow Job

How to give a blow job – oral sex advice from a sex therapist in Philadelphia


Enhancing intimacy: the art of using blindfolds. A sex therapist in Philadelphia can help

Sex with Bleb Disease: Bleb Pain Scale, Pain Journal and Sexual Activities Table

Make healthy decisions about sexual activity when struggling with Bleb Disease, using a Bleb Pain Scale, pain journal and sexual activities table.

Bleb Disease and Sex

Understand how Bleb Disease can impact your sex life.

Birth Control Shot Philadelphia

The birth control shot, administered by a health care practitioner, is a type of hormonal birth control delivered into the bloodstream through in injection into the arm or buttock. Shots are designed to prevent pregnancy.

Birth Control Pill

Birth Control Pills are a type of hormonal birth control taken orally (by mouth) every day in order to prevent pregnancy.

Birth Control Patch Philadelphia

Birth Control Patch Philadelphia (Ortho-Evra)

Better Sex

Sex Education From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Better sex. Master the skills needed to make sex fantastic. In this tip we explore the required skills that all lovers must have.

Benefits of Herpes Support Group

Benefits of Herpes Support Group (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth Inc)

Should I Tell My Partner About Being In Counseling

Should I tell my partner about being in counseling the decision to tell a partner that you are in counseling can be a difficult and anxiety producing one to make. There are no right or wrong answers – just different choices with different consequences.

Being Single With Premature Ejaculation

Single with Premature Ejaculation – This tip from Sex Therapy in Philadelphia/Center for Growth is designed, with the single guy in mind, no partners are required! Successful completion of this tip will increase your confidence when you are with a partner.

Bedroom Blunders “Did that just really happen?”

Bedroom Blunders – how to handle the “Did that just really happen?” moment in bed

Beating the Blues

Beating the Blues: Treatment for Depression, therapy in Center City, Philadelphia. 10 Ways To Pick Yourself Up when You Are Feeling Down

Bath Exercise: For Survivors of Sexual Trauma or For People Struggling with Sexual Aversions/Discomforts

The bath exercise can help you build positive intimate experiences despite having a history of sexual trauma, or sexual aversions/discomforts.

Baby’s level of awareness of Sex

Baby’s level of awareness of sex.

Avoid the Top 10 Marriage Zappers

Avoid the Top 10 Marriage Zappers

Herpes Question: What is Asymptomatic Shedding?

Herpes Question: What is Asymptomatic Shedding?

Aphrodisiacs Philadelphia

Aphrodisiac is a food, herb, or drug that is supposed to enhance sexual arousal or desire.

Anxiety & Depression Counseling Group in Philly

Anxiety & Depression Counseling Group in Philly

Anxiety Treatment in Philadelphia

Anxiety Treatment in Philadelphia About Anxiety Suddenly you’re overcome with an intense fear or sense of gloom. You feel as though you want to run, but don’t know why.


Anorgasmia: the persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following normal sexual excitement. Exercises to overcome anorgasmia . . .

Anorexia Nervosa Therapy in Philadelphia

Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological disorder characterized by an obsession to be thin and a distorted body image that drives people to be medically underweight.

Anorexia Nervosa in Philadelphia

Anorexia Nervosa in Philadelphia

Anorexia Nervosa (Purging Type)

Anorexia Nervosa (Purging Type)

Anorexia and the Doctor

Anorexia and the Doctor

Accepting Your Partner’s Limitations

Successful relationships require you to accept your partner’s limitations. Struggling? Try this exercise.

Accepting Your Own Limitations

Accepting your own limitations – Is your relationship worth saving? While most people will have an opinion about whether you and your partner should stay together, ultimately, the answer to that question is an intensely personal decision that only you can answer

Kissing Tune Up

Kissing Tune Up – developed by a sex therapist Did your partner confirm your worst  fear? Your style of kissing does not make his or her bells and whistles go off.  Congratulations for figuring it out, and being willing to do something about it.  You might have been a great kisser for all of your […]

101 Anal Sex Guide

101 Anal Sex Tips

Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (EDP)

Important Concepts for Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (EDP) and determine if it can be helpful for you.

Taking Control of Pelvic Pain

Taking Control Of Pelvic Pain: from the perspective of a phsysical therapist.

What will physical therapy treatment consist of?

Every physical therapy treatment is individually tailored to your specific needs from the evaluation. Treatment may include but is not limited to the following: soft tissue

What will a physical therapy evaluation consist of?

What to expect during a physical therapy evaluation.

Vibrators for Men

Vibrators for Men – many people think of vibrators as being a sex toy for women. However, men can also receive pleasure from using vibrators either through masturbation, partnered sex, or both.


Single being single is a relationship style where a person is sexually and/or romantically unattached.

Traditional Monogamy

Traditional monogamy is when two people who have never been romantically or sexually involved with anyone else previously remain sexually/romantically faithful to one another over the course of a lifetime.

Serial Monogamy

Serial Monogamy is a relationship style where a person engages in a committed romantic/sexual relationship with only person at a time. Before engaging in a new romantic/sexual relationship there is a termination of the previous relationship.


Non Monogamy Non-monogamy is an umbrella term for a sexual and/or romantic occurrence or relationship happening during an already existing sexual and/or romantic relationship or a relationship style where one chooses not to be in a monogamous relationship.

Fuck Buddies

Fuck buddies are a form of sexual relationship that does not include a romantic or emotional component. The benefits / drawbacks are . . .

Fecal Play (Defecation Play, Scat Play, Brown Showers)

Fecal play is sexual play that involves feces (poo). The Appeal of fecal play is . . .

What is Vulvar Vestibulitis?

Vulvar vestibulitis is an inflammation in the vestibule, otherwise known as the vaginal opening.

What Is a Dildo?

What is a dildo? How to use a dildo? & How to introduce a dildo to your lover?

Anal Sex and Anal Stimulation

Tips and tricks on anal sex and anal stimulation: throughout the world, there are many taboos against anal sex / anal stimulation.

Spirituality And Trauma

Spirituality and Trauma Have you experienced trauma? Have you found yourself asking the question, “Why me?” Do you feel like your Higher Power has let you down or failed you? If so, this tip can serve as a guide to help you deal with your spiritual crisis

Prostate Cancer Sexuality

Prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer Sexuality: A Brief Overview

Couples Therapy and Counseling

how to get the most out of couples therapy at the Center for growth / Sex Therapy in Philadelphia.

Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is exactly what it sounds like, participating in counseling before entering into a marital commitment.

Benefits of Herpes Support Group

So you just learned that you are living with the herpes simplex virus and you are trying to figure out what to do? Consider joining our Herpes support group in Center City Philadelphia

Sexual Communication Technique

Sexual Communication Technique: Are you and your partner good communicators in the bedroom? Complete the following exercise, and determine the answer(s) for yourself

Sex Addiction Quiz

Sex addiction quiz. Do you have a sex addiction or simply a high sex drive?

Mindful Sex

Mindful Sex: a guide to becoming fully present sexually

Friends with Benefits

Before engaging in a “Friends with Benefits” it is important for a person to decide for him or herself what she or he really wants out of a relationship. Some important questions to ask yourself, during this consideration should include

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks to ‘Friends with Benefits’

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks to ‘Friends with Benefits’

Sexual Skyping

Sexual Skyping: Skype Sex 101: Action! The decision has been made—you and your partner are going to have Skype-sex. You are confident that your interaction will go on without a glitch—technological glitch that is.

Tantric Sex: what is it and what can it do for you?

What is Tantric Sex?

Low Sex Drive

Low Sex Drive: problems with sex drive are to be expected if you are not enjoying sex – or do not get enough arousal to become orgasmic. Why should you want something that is not particularly enjoyable!

Sex Addiction Counseling, Therapy, & Treatment

What is a sex addiction? Sex addiction is best understood as a form of an intimacy disorder. Addicts typically experience compulsive sexual thoughts and/or actions.

Premature Ejaculation

Overcoming Premature Ejaculation step by step guide. This is a core exercise utilized by sex therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth, inc.

Sex & Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a life altering event. Life will never be the same as you knew it. You can not go back. Parenthood is permanent.

Tips For Increasing The Chances Of Becoming Pregnant

Tips for increasing the chances of becoming pregnant. Working with a sex therapist can spice up routine sex.

Alternative Lifestyles

Alternative Lifestyles Alternative lifestyles can mean many things to many different people. This is for anyone who does not meat the “mainstream” ideals of the particular dominant culture: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or engage in BDSM, S&M, three-somes, open relationships, swinging, polyamorous relationship(s).