Techniques To Have Great Sex
Category Description:
Improving Sexual Performance (attitude, approach & sexual techniques)
Using Your Strap-On with Your Long-Term Partner

Using Your Strap-On with Your Long-Term Partner (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia) If you don’t have a strap-on yet, Your First Strap-On will teach you about your options before buying your first strap-on. If you aren’t yet comfortable with the idea or logistics of using your strap-on, Using Your Strap-On will help you feel comfortable, confident, […]
Using Your Strap-On

Using Your Strap-On (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia) If you don’t yet have a strap-on, consider reading Your First Strap-On to learn more about your options before buying your first strap-on. If you already have a strap-on, keep reading to learn how to maximize comfort and confidence while using your strap-on! By now you’ve chosen your strap-on: […]
Your First Strap-On

Your First Strap-On (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville) Strap-ons are dynamic sex toys that can add fun, excitement, and pleasure to your life! Essentially, a strap-on is a hands-optional sex toy that consists of a dildo strapped to a harness that is typically worn around the pelvic area, thigh, hand, or […]
Why You Should Make Time for Yourself in Your Sex Life…

Why You Should Make Time for Yourself in Your Sex Life… a new relationship can be CONSUMING, in both a wonderful way and an overwhelming way at times! Newly intimate individuals typically dive in head first and forget to come up for air, sound familiar at all? Maybe you still find yourself feeling this […]
Sex After a Breakup

Sex after a break up: Going through a breakup can be difficult for several reasons. However, just because a relationship ends does not mean that one’s needs instantly go away. The person will likely want to have new sexual partners. However, knowing when to have sex after a breakup can be challenging, and fortunately, this […]
Reducing Your Guilt with Porn

Though there is some variation, most professionals define pornography as any form of media created with the intent of sexual arousal. Pornography, or sexually explicit material (SEM), can take the form of literature, illustrations, cave drawings, movies, audio recordings, and so much more. At its core, pornography is simply a sexual tool that has existed […]
How to Have Healthy Sexual Expression During Covid
The previous article defined healthy sexual expression as engaging in activities that align with a person’s boundaries, which promotes comfort and self-satisfaction. The previous article also listed three ways to determine one’s sexual expression: creating a list of one’s sexual actions, viewing those actions as though they were a friend’s, and reflecting on the […]
Powerful 5-Minute Intimacy Exercise

Powerful 5-Minute Intimacy Exercise Looking to build more intimacy in your relationship? This powerful 5-minute intimacy exercise can help you build your connection to your partner, decrease the effects of daily strain, and increase your ability to respond objectively during conflict. Intimacy, or the feeling of connected-ness and understanding, is a key ingredient in successful, long-term […]
Female Anatomy

Female anatomy can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the appropriate anatomical names to your female anatomy will help you to communicate with your partner and healthcare provider more efficiently. Having the same body part language as your partner can promote better communication surrounding your sexual needs and wants. Knowing your female […]
Pegging is a sexual activity where a woman penetrates a man anally. Anal sex is often a topic that people assume is reserved for homosexual men. Among heterosexual couples, the common assumption around the practice of anal sex is that the male is penetrating the female. However, pegging is a practice that requires the female […]
How To Have An Orgasm
How To Have An Orgasm: Questions to ask yourself Do you masturbate? Many women find it easier to have an orgasm from solo-sex (masturbation), than from two-person sex. Have you ever tried the Jack Rabbit? The Jack Rabbit is an excellent type of vibrator for women with difficulties having an orgasm. The Jack Rabbit vibrator combines […]
Foreplaying your Foreplay

You’ve been thinking about sex all day; the last thing you want is another night where you and your partner don’t connect in the way you need. How might you be contributing to creating an evening where sex isn’t appealing? Could you change your nightly routine to ensure you’re getting the sex you desire? Some […]
Cold Shower Myth
Debunking The Cold Shower Myth: Cold showers can actually help INCREASE arousal! Are you looking to be more creative sexually? Are you bored in bed? Do you want to try something new tonight? Well then look no farther! This tip is designed for the typical couple that wants to experience something new sexually. It is designed […]
The Power of Compliments

The Power of Compliments: Learn how to give your woman more detailed and specific compliments, her self confidence will improve and your appreciation for her will be enhanced. The Power of Compliments: Compliments can become few and far between in relationships, and worse, the compliments can often become stale or too general. As nice as […]
Redefining Sexual Values
Redefining your sexual values is one aspect of the overall process of redefining yourself, separate from your former spouse. It’s natural to mold yourself around the needs of others, particularly in a long-term relationship or marriage. Much of this is automatic; so much so that you may not have recognized the parts of your “self” […]
Beliefs About Sex

We all have underlying beliefs about sex, about ourselves, our bodies and how it “should be.” But most of us think of these as FACTS, not beliefs. If left unexamined, these beliefs about sex can rob us of freedom, ease and pleasure in our sexual journey. Have you ever stopped to consider how your beliefs […]
ReCentering Yourself After A Break-Up

You just broke up with your partner, and you now find yourself with an enormous amount of energy that you used to spend on that person. Take this opportunity to re-center that energy onto yourself. Often times, people tend to use this energy in the wrong way. You obsess about what you did wrong or […]
Flogging 101: Where and How to Flog

Responsible, accurate, and safe flogging requires practice, research, talking with your partners, and others who are more experienced and comfortable with flogging. Flogging is meant to be erotic and arousing, but is also very dangerous. Enjoy this activity with much caution, consideration of your safety and your partner’s, preparation and education.
Lubricate and Stimulate Exercise: Premature Ejaculation Treatment

This premature ejaculation technique is useful for men who experience hypersensitivity during sexual intercourse resulting in a quick ejaculatory response after penetration. This technique will help you merge your mind/body experience in order for you to train your body to feel the sensations of intercourse.
Sexual Safety At College
Practicing Sexual Safety at College: going to live at college in Philadelphia opens up a wide new world of freedoms. Learn more about staying safe.
Sexual Abstinence
Sexual abstinence is when one chooses to refrain from engaging in sexual behaviors.
Is Celibacy Right for You and Your Partner?
Is Celibacy Right for You and Your Partner
Recently Single in Philly
Recently Single – What do I do now?
Penetration Toys Philadelphia
Penetration Toys Philadelphia: are sex toys designed to be penetrated by a penis.
Manual Stimulation Philadelphia
Manual stimulation (hand jobs, fingering, digital stimulation) is the practice of using one’s hands to sexually stimulate a partner’s genitals, perineal body and/or anus
Lingam Massage
We do not engage in Lingam Massage with clients. We TEACH clients how to engage in Lingam Massage with their lovers. We are Licensed Therapists and engage in sex therapy. We are NOT sexual surragates, prostitutes or call girls.
Introducing a Poly Relationship
Introducing a Poly Relationship, or at least the idea of one to your partner:
Intimacy in the Bedroom
Intimacy in the bedroom: 10 things to keep in mind to increase intimacy in the bedroom in Philadelphia.
How To Enjoy Porn
How to enjoy porn with a lover & Ways to teach your lover to enjoy porn with you.
How To Share Sexual Fantasies
How to share sexual fantasies with your Lover: I’m in Italy for the first time and I meet a man in his forties named Giuseppe. He’s got beautiful salt and pepper hair and a well chiseled face. He drives a classic Alfa Romeo and is wearing a black cashmere coat with matching scarf. With a thick […]
How To Masturbate

How to Masturbate: For Women There is no one right way for how to masturbate. If it feels good, and no one is getting hurt, than it’s the perfect way. However, if you are in the mood to learn how others might masturbate, or some new and interesting techniques to add to your current selection keep […]
How To Deep Throat
Follow these steps to learn how to deep throat . . .
Getting More Out Of Sex
Getting More Out of Sex -The purpose of the tip is to help you become more in touch with your body, specifically to increase your sexual-self-awareness, and to get more out of sex.
What is a Dildo?
What is a dildo? How to use a dildo? & How to introduce a dildo to your lover? Are all answered in this article.
Developing a Sexual Self
Developing A Sexual Self exercise can help you to build positive intimate experiences with yourself and your partner.
Dating After Loss
Dating after loss: knowing when to start dating after loosing a spouse or significant other is one of the difficult tasks that accompanies loosing the person. There are many factors that need to be addressed before the decision to start dating again can be made.
Cuddle Party Philadelphia
Cuddle Party in Philadelphia
Bring Romance Back Into Your Relationship
How to bring romance back into your relationship
Single being single is a relationship style where a person is sexually and/or romantically unattached.
Fecal Play (Defecation Play, Scat Play, Brown Showers)
Fecal play is sexual play that involves feces (poo). The Appeal of fecal play is . . .
What Is a Dildo?
What is a dildo? How to use a dildo? & How to introduce a dildo to your lover?
Anal Sex and Anal Stimulation
Tips and tricks on anal sex and anal stimulation: throughout the world, there are many taboos against anal sex / anal stimulation.
Sexual Skyping
Sexual Skyping: Skype Sex 101: Action! The decision has been made—you and your partner are going to have Skype-sex. You are confident that your interaction will go on without a glitch—technological glitch that is.