Article Tagged ‘ sex ’
Using Your Strap-On with Your Long-Term Partner

Using Your Strap-On with Your Long-Term Partner (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia) If you don’t have a strap-on yet, Your First Strap-On will teach you about your options before buying your first strap-on. If you aren’t yet comfortable with the idea or logistics of using your strap-on, Using Your Strap-On will help you feel comfortable, confident, […]
Using Your Strap-On

Using Your Strap-On (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia) If you don’t yet have a strap-on, consider reading Your First Strap-On to learn more about your options before buying your first strap-on. If you already have a strap-on, keep reading to learn how to maximize comfort and confidence while using your strap-on! By now you’ve chosen your strap-on: […]
Your First Strap-On

Your First Strap-On (Sex Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Santa Fe, Mechanicsville) Strap-ons are dynamic sex toys that can add fun, excitement, and pleasure to your life! Essentially, a strap-on is a hands-optional sex toy that consists of a dildo strapped to a harness that is typically worn around the pelvic area, thigh, hand, or […]
Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll?

You hear all the time that alcohol and drug use can lower your inhibitions. Many people say including substances in their sexuality can really enhance their experience. While others talk about the negative impact on sexual experiences. The connection between sex and drugs and decision making: Alcohol In the US, you must be 21 years […]
How do you know if you are bad at sex?

Just because you and your past partner had amazing sex, does not mean that all future lovers will consider you amazing in the bedroom. Each partner is different. Different build, different tastes, different needs, different likes and dislikes. Just like dating and relationships, the chemistry created between two people changes from person to person, and […]
When Sex Is A Trigger

For some people with PTSD sex can be a trigger. Sex as a trigger is common among survivors of sexual assault and rape. However, other types of trauma could still impact a person’s desire to have sex or impact a person’s feelings about sex. Some people with PTSD may try to avoid sex altogether, while […]
Spina Bifida And Sex
Spina Bifida & Sex: A Brief Overview Any birth defect in which the spine does not close completely is considered spina bifida. This defect typically develops during the first month of pregnancy and seems to be the result of both genetic and environmental factors. Spina bifida occurs in roughly 7 out of 10,000 live births. […]