Article Tagged ‘ sex addiction ’

Affairs, Infidelity & Cheating

Affairs, Infidelity & Cheating : a collection of articles written by relationship therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia. Infidelity and Marriage Infidelity and Marriage are not two words that are supposed to go together. Working through the affair with your spouse, or alone requires vulnerability, honesty, and an open-ness to making behavioral as well as emotional […]

Identifying your Bottom Line Behaviors

Identifying your bottom line behaviors is a useful way for recovering individuals to monitor their behaviors regularly. Any behaviors the individual engages is in, that fall outside of the predetermined boundaries is considered a slip or a relapse.

Shame Of Sex Addiction

The Shame of Sex Addiction we have all been ashamed of ourselves at some point, and for most of us, many times throughout our lives.

Sex Addiction Recovery in Philadelphia

Sex addiction recovery in Philadelphia: The first step in recovering from a sex addiction starts with you! True recovery means becoming honest with oneself

Imago Therapy and Sex Addiction

Imago therapy and sex addiction work well together. Healing is created by developing a space safe enough to have all of you show up. The first stage still requires withdrawal. And the second stage is focused on becoming whole again.

Sex Addiction Obstacles and Coping Skills

Sex Addiction: Obstacles and Coping Skills The first step when recovering from a sexual addiction is to stop the sexually compulsive behavior. This step may seem simple enough, however willpower alone or just telling yourself that you will never do the behavior again is rarely successful. Urges to engage in the behavior can be very […]

Sex Addiction and Work

Sex Addiction And Work: For many people struggling with a sex addiction, the stress they face at work or school is an important trigger that either starts or perpetuates their addictive cycle.

Relying On Porn and Fantasy

Relying on porn and fantasy: Have you been struggling to ejaculate when having intercourse with your partner? Do you find yourself taking longer and longer to ejaculate

Preparing For Your First Session of Sexual Addiction

Complete this list of questions to help you prepare for your first session of sexual addiction treatment at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia / Center for Growth.

Masturbation at Work

Quitting Masturbation at Work : Establishing Healthy Behaviors in the Greater Philadelphia Area / South Jersey