Article Tagged ‘ safer sex ’

What Is A Silent Alarm?

A silent alarm (a safe call, or safety call), is useful when you are meeting a new partner or someone you don’t know well enough yet. Using a silent alarm requires

Sexual Safety At College

Practicing Sexual Safety at College: going to live at college in Philadelphia opens up a wide new world of freedoms. Learn more about staying safe.

Sexual Boundaries

Sexual Boundaries: having boundaries is an essential piece in feeling safe in any relationship (friendship, with family, lover, etc.). Sexual boundaries is about knowing your limits and what you’re comfortable with, and being able to advocate for yourself as needed.

Safer Sex Techniques

Safer Sex Techniques – What’s that? In a nut shell, it’s techniques that people utilize to decrease the potential natural consequences of becoming sexually alive. Note: not being sexual also has it’s own set of risks.

Is Celibacy Right for You and Your Partner?

Is Celibacy Right for You and Your Partner

Open Relationship Ground Rules

Basic Open Relationship Ground Rules

Minimizing the risk of herpes transmission

Minimizing the risk of herpes transmission: Herpes is most contagious during an outbreak, however it can be spread even when no symptoms are present if the virus is active on the skin, but asymptomatic.

Masturbation Frustration

Masturbation: Did just reading that word make you cringe?

Living With Herpes

Living with herpes in Philadelphia: you likely have many questions and concerns about your recent herpes diagnosis, such as those listed below.

Is sex harmful during pregnancy?

Is sex harmful during pregnancy