Article Tagged ‘ gay ’

I Might Be Bisexual

might be bisexual: now what? As long as you can remember, while living in Philadelpia, you have always considered yourself to be straight but has there always been this nagging feeling that you might be missing out on something?

Confused Sexual Orientation

Confused sexual orientation.

Developing a Gay or Lesbian Support Network

Developing a Gay Lesbian Support Network – Building a gay/lesbian support network can be a very important part of the coming out process.

Coping with Internalized Homophobia

Coping with Internalized Homophobia – By being a product of this culture, you too may have negative ideas and thoughts about being homosexual. It is known as internalized homophobia.

Coming Out To Family Members

Coming out to family members – The idea of telling your family members that you are gay or lesbian can be very anxiety producing.