Affairs & Infidelity
Category Description:
Affairs, infidelity, cheating, one-night-stands, secret marriages, emotional relationships or some issue of cheating is a real issue in many relationships. Find out what you can do to a) prevent affairs, b) survive affairs and c) move forward.
How to Communicate your Remorse after Cheating

Humans make meaning in the world and communicate with others through language. The language following the discovery or disclosure of an affair is very important to the healing process. The meaning that infidelity takes on for people varies. Difficult emotions and decisions lie ahead as you begin a new phase of your relationship post-affair. This […]
Caught him on Ashley Madison: Now What?

You found your partner’s name linked to the Ashley Madison Site. Now What? The identity of millions of Ashley Madison users have been revealed, which means millions of partners are either reeling from the reveal, questioning whether to look for their partner’s name in the database, and some are simply unaware their partner has been […]
Affairs, Infidelity & Cheating

Affairs, Infidelity & Cheating : a collection of articles written by relationship therapists at Sex Therapy in Philadelphia. Infidelity and Marriage Infidelity and Marriage are not two words that are supposed to go together. Working through the affair with your spouse, or alone requires vulnerability, honesty, and an open-ness to making behavioral as well as emotional […]
Level Of Commitment
An exercise to determine your Lover’s level of commitment to you and to this relationship.